Hooray, They’re Back!

by Isabelle Pottinger Two years ago, during the Beast from the East (as the media named it), much of the surface of Townhill Loch froze over.  The small patch of open water remaining was hotly contested by the waterbirds, with the larger, stronger birds winning a much-prized spot, whilst the weaker, smaller waterbirds were squeezed … [Read more…]

28th May: Mid-Week Eucahrist

If you want to follow along live please head to our Facebook page at 10:15am 21st May. After the service ends the video will be added immediately to this page and our YouTube channel for you to watch and take part in our worship at a time to suit you. Order of Service following 1982 Scottish Liturgy in the Blue … [Read more…]

Friends of HTD – David

As part of Holy Trinity keeping connected, we are trying something new! Whilst we still connect online via our live services we can miss the chats as over a cuppa, in the pew, entering and leaving church. Alongside our Blether with HTD Facebook group we’d love to get to know you (the congregation) making friends and connections old and … [Read more…]

Rachel shares a time she was aware of God’s presence

Rachel has been a leader at Glenalmond youth camp for the past 3 years. They have been sharing evening prayer with friends across the province over zoom. Last week she was invited to share an insight to her faith with Forres youth group who study the lectionary readings each week and she is now sharing … [Read more…]

Friends of Holy Trinity – Sheona

As part of Holy Trinity keeping connected, we are trying something new! Whilst we still connect online via our live services we can miss the chats as over a cuppa, in the pew, entering and leaving church. Alongside our Blether with HTD Facebook group we’d love to get to know you (the congregation) making friends and connections old and … [Read more…]