Like any ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, we depend upon our members for financial support.
There are a number of ways of giving:
- The most obvious is simply to put some money into the plate.
- However, if you pay tax, you might consider filling in a Gift Aid envelope (which you should find on the ledge in front of your pew). Simply put the money in the envelope and fill in the details on the outside of the envelope and place in the collection plate. That way we will be able to claim the tax back on your donation from the Inland Revenue.
- You can also donate contactless at the church for donations, refreshments, event tickets or any other giving. Look for our contactless donation point or ask one of our volunteers.
- If you would like to give regularly under the Gift Aid Scheme, please speak to our treasurer who will explain what to do and give you the relevant forms to fill in.
- You can donate directly on our Church Facebook page.
- If you would like to give by Standing Order or in some other way, please speak to our Treasurer, (ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@rerusaert) who will be happy to advise you.
At Holy Trinity Dunfermline we only rarely pass the collection plate around during a service but the plate is always by the back pew and people are invited to leave their donation for church funds in the plate as they enter church. This is for donations and is voluntary but it really does make a huge difference to the life of the church.
On the last Sunday of each month we have a retiring collection for one of our chosen charities.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Holy Trinity Scottish Episcopal Church’.
Donate now >Anytime you shop online
Why not head to Give As You Live or to Easy Fundraising or download the app and donate to us every time you make a purchase at participating websites at no extra cost to yourself.
You can use it on eBay and all your high street stores just use the website or app first and the church gets a small donation and it doesn’t cost you a thing!
Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations.
Fifty-Fifty Club
Members of the Fifty-Fifty Club commit to buying one or more numbered ‘subscriptions’ each month. Half the money raised is given to church funds, and half is given out in prizes, three of the subscription numbers being drawn from the tombola drum on the second Sunday of each month. There are two prizes of equal size, and a third prize of half the other two.
The Fifty-Fifty Club is registered with Fife Council as a “small lottery”, and has been operating very successfully for several years, during which it has been able to contribute thousands to Holy Trinity funds. If you would like to join, please contact: Linda Sherwood.