A brief account of my discernment placement

Ross Stirling-Young shares his experience of time spent with us As many of you are aware, I joined the congregations of Holy Trinity and St. Margaret’s at the beginning of January for a nine-week placement as part of my on-going discernment journey. On the one hand, when I first found out that I would be away from my home church (St. Finnian’s in … [Read more…]

Friends of Holy Trinity – Dorissia

As part of Holy Trinity keeping connected, we are trying something new! Whilst we still connect online via our live services we can miss the chats as over a cuppa, in the pew, entering and leaving church. Alongside our Blether with HTD Facebook group we’d love to get to know you (the congregation) making friends and connections old and … [Read more…]

YF+ launches!

The Youth Fellowship have started YF+ a bible study and worship group (every Sunday from 7:15-8) after normal YF (every Sunday from 6:15-7). Details can be found on their Facebook group if you know a young person from P7 upwards who would like to join us. We are using resources from Roots (exploring passages from the Revised Common … [Read more…]

Children and Family resources 17th May

The Youth Fellowship are starting a YF+ bible study and worship group (tonight and every Sunday from 7:15-8) after normal YF (every Sunday on Zoom from 6:15-7). Details can be found on their Facebook group if you know a young person from P7 upwards who would like to join us. We are using resources from … [Read more…]

Morning Prayer – 14th May

You can join us live every Thursday at 1015h for our midweek service on our Facebook page Each week we meet online Live for Worship every Thursday and Sunday on our Facebook page. Immediately after the service the video will be uploaded to this website and to our YouTube Channel where you can find the rest of our video content. … [Read more…]