In our lectionary, the Gospel sequence we are following this month concludes with the story in Mark 10:46–52, the well-known and moving story of the blind beggar Bartimaeus, a nobody in his society, but to us a hero of faith.
Despite his lack of eyesight, Bartimaeus sees clearly two things that others have failed to notice – that Jesus is the ‘Son of David’, with all the connotations that has; and that Jesus is the one who can help him.
Jesus hears his cry and stops, calls the man over, and asks him what he wants. And Bartimaeus knows just what he needs: in the words around the figures in our picture, “Domine, ut videam” (Lord, that I may see!).
Do we have the same insight and passion about what we need from Jesus? Are we willing to cry out to him for it? Or are we busy telling people to shut up, so Jesus is not disturbed?!
Jesus responds, hears his request, heals him. “Your faith has saved you” must mean in Mark: “You believed I could do this; so I can do it and will”. And Bartimaeus went with Jesus on His journey …
“Lord, may I know my need.
May I reach out to you and allow you to meet it.
May I also allow others to reach out to you,
and not put them off, tell them to shush,
make it seem like you don’t care about them or their needs,
but join them in truly seeing you and believing
– that you can and will meet my need.”
Adapted from material at these links:
Walt Clay; William Loader; Pam Webster.