Good Friday 2021
The Good Friday Happening is an event where young people enjoy a range of activities all connected to the Easter story. From 10am until 4pm each hour on the hour we will share a range of activities with some thoughts and prayers to celebrate the story of Easter. We hope you will join in when you can and we would love to see your photos or comments , send them to ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@htuoy or message us on Facebook or YC WhatsApp.
The Last Supper
Throughout the day we will follow the Holy Week story. There will be some prayers, stories and activities for you to share in the Easter message with other families in our community. We begun with the joyous jubilation of Palm Sunday now we look at the reason we still share in the Eucharist (bread and wine) in church today.
Point to Ponder
Just as Scripture commanded, Jesus ate the Passover meal. This meal was usually celebrated with family and Jesus ate it with those who were closest to him – his disciples.
During the Last Supper Jesus had with His Disciples, He asked them to remember Him in a special way.
Jesus gave them a sort of picture to remember Him by. The picture He gave them wasn’t taken with a camera.
This special picture is called the Lord’s Supper. In the Lord’s Supper there is bread and wine (or grape juice!)Jesus said the bread was His body, which was broken for us and the wine was His blood, which was shed for us. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we are to remember Jesus and what He did for us on the cross!
We hope you will join in when you can and we would love to see your photos or comments , send them to ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@htuoy or message us on Facebook or YC WhatsApp.
Activity 1 – List or draw special foods that help us remember special occasions: birthday cake, chocolate eggs, Christmas pudding, hot cross buns, etc. What do you like or not like? What traditions do your family have?
Activity 2 – Plan your lunch – can you make it like the last supper? A Passover meal has bitter herbs (you can use horseradish or mustard), grape juice or blackcurrant for the wine, pita bread for the unleavened bread and some fruit. Eat your meal at a low table.
Activity 3 – Last Supper Wordsearch – Click here for children or for a trickier challenge click here.
Or have a look at these websites for some fun Easter games:
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus.
Thank you for giving us a picture to help us remember Him!
Thank you for loving us.
We love you back!