Fifth Sunday in Easter – 10th May

If you want to follow along live please head to our Facebook page at 11am 10th May. After the service ends the video will be added immediately to this page and our YouTube channel for you to watch and take part in our worship at a time to suit you. This week we will be adding Music back into … [Read more…]

Vestry Update

Our first online Vestry meeting took place and once up and running worked really well. Although there were no nominations for an Alternative Lay Representative at our short meeting after the service on the 23rd February, the Vestry has since appointed Richard Peat to this role. Thank you to the members of our congregation for … [Read more…]

Fourth Sunday in Easter – 3rd May

If you want to follow along live please head to our Facebook page at 11am 3rd May. After the service ends the video will be added immediately to this page and our YouTube channel for you to watch and take part in our worship at a time to suit you. Order of Service following 1982 Scottish Liturgy in … [Read more…]

Third Sunday in Easter

If you want to follow along live please head to our Facebook page at 1100h 26th April. After the service ends the video will be added immediately to our YouTube channel and this page for you to watch and take part in our worship at a time to suit you. Order of Service following 1982 Scottish Liturgy in the … [Read more…]

Second Sunday in Easter

If you want to follow along live please head to our Facebook page at 1100h 19th April. After the service ends the video will be added immediately to our YouTube channel and this page for you to watch and take part in our worship at a time to suit you. The candle represents the light of Christ … [Read more…]