Our first online Vestry meeting took place and once up and running worked really well.
Although there were no nominations for an Alternative Lay Representative at our short meeting after the service on the 23rd February, the Vestry has since appointed Richard Peat to this role.
Thank you to the members of our congregation for your comments regarding the Pew Sheet. A number of suggestions for changes were put into place prior to the church building closing. Vestry will continue to review Pew Sheets once the Church building reopens.
Vestry is continuing to make progress with arranging new signs for the front of the church and the planning application has been submitted to Fife Council to put glass front doors on the porch. The Eagle eyed will have seen it has been approved by Fife Council on their planning portal and we are just awaiting written confirmation so we can go ahead.
The Vestry kept in touch with guidance around the current Coronavirus pandemic prior to the church building closing and we are continuing to follow this. Thank you to the congregation for their co-operation throughout this time. If you or anyone you know are in need of support please contact either your Contact Support, a Vestry member or the Rector. We are trying our best but we can always do better! We also know circumstances change and as time goes on this lockdown will change your needs and how we can help you. The Rector is continuing to carry out pastoral and Diocesan duties.
We have now held 20 online services online and reached over 4000 people. Our services are all on this website, Facebook and on our YouTube channel. Our Facebook reaches over 2000 people with almost 140 signed up to like our page. Our website has also had around 2000 views over the last month. One service had 400 views on Facebook alone, more than we could fit into the church itself!
The Vestry is still working and meeting using online forums.
- Reviewing and updating employee contracts
- Reviewing and updating our constitution
- Reviewing the Quinquennial Survey report to prioritise the highlighted issues
Thanks to
- Rod Key for assisting congregation members setting up standing orders to replace cash donations while the church is closed.
- Richard Peat and Andrew Wedge for their technical support streaming services and updating the website and Facebook.
- Lou Foster and Rachel Walker for ensuring the Good Friday happening still happened.