The first day of our Lent walk

The sections of Matthew 6 that we will be reading on Ash Wednesday are part of the Sermon on the Mount. When Jesus came down from that mountain he started on the road that would lead him to his death. Like his disciples we are invited to walk with Jesus to Jerusalem over the next … [Read more…]

A New Year reminder

At least once a year, each of our Methodist partners receives a formal reminder of their membership, a custom dating back to the days when Methodists were a religious society within the Church of England rather than a separate Church. The form this ‘ticket’ has taken has changed over the years, but there are always … [Read more…]

The run-up to Christmas

Now, perhaps more than any other season of the church’s year, the season of Advent stands at odds with what’s going on in the world at large. For most people, we are now in the run­-up to Christmas and things are becoming increasingly festive with parties, eating, drinking, being merry – and frantic shopping. In … [Read more…]

Call to remembrance

The Dresden Frauenkirche is a Protestant church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and originally built in the early 18th century. As a result of a devastating bombing raid, it was completely gutted by fire, and its amazing dome collapsed on 15 February 1945. The ruins lay untouched until after the reunification of Germany, when there … [Read more…]