A New Year reminder


The Methodist Church corporate logo reinterpreted for the 2010–11 ‘ticket’

At least once a year, each of our Methodist partners receives a formal reminder of their membership, a custom dating back to the days when Methodists were a religious society within the Church of England rather than a separate Church. The form this ‘ticket’ has taken has changed over the years, but there are always three components: a Biblical quotation for the year, the names of those involved in their pastoral care, and a reminder of their duties and obligations as a Church member, which are:

worship within the local church, including regular sharing in Holy Communion, and through personal prayer

learning and caring, through Bible study and meeting for fellowship, so that I may grow in faith and support others in their discipleship

service, by being a good neighbour in the community, challenging injustice and using my resources to support the Church in its mission in the world

evangelism, through working out my faith in daily life and sharing Christ with others

This four-part calling is reflected in the segments of the logo, which are joined together around a cross, a reminder of what we believe, and of whom we follow. At the start of this new year, perhaps no bad focus for all Christians to have, whether Methodists or not!