Alive in the world …

The Good Shepherd, as illustrated by Cerezo Barredo

The Good Shepherd, as illustrated by Cerezo Barredo

Although much of the time our modern society is constantly looking for the next new thrill, some things, like good food, good art, and literature, are best enjoyed slowly, so that they can be fully appreciated. The Church has always known this, and the resurrection is of such central importance that our celebration of Easter lasts until the feast of Pentecost, and we have a full fifty days both to celebrate and to pause and reflect on Christ’s resurrection.

On the first weekend in April, we continue the celebration – the so-called “Low Sunday” (from the Latin laus meaning praise) is really a mini-Easter all over again – and hear further accounts of the risen Lord appearing to the disciples and of the transformative power of his resurrection.

On succeeding Sundays the readings bring to our attention different aspects of what it means to say that Jesus is risen, because this event is not just something in the past – though it is rooted in history – but very much the present power behind the Church’s mission to proclaim and practice the good news. Not only do we read about the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep, but we can respond to his command to Peter to feed and take care of his sheep, by affirming our love for Jesus again and again and again.

Stimulated by two blogs at this link and the sermon at this link.

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