Christine has prepared the Palm Sunday and Holy Week services for distribution. Collated the Easter magazine and delivered everything through letterboxes or by email (let her know if you want a copy). She is getting used now to presiding alone on a Sunday, the first week was hard. She telephoned everyone on the congregational roll, participated in her first Zoom call. She has done lots of walking with Bubbles and started the spring cleaning, Bubbles was a great help. She will continue with Sunday evening prayers at 7pm and displaying her rainbow and bear in the window. She managed to finish a throw and got to grips with Facebook live to record an Easter message for next week.
Cabbage has crocheted a rainbow for her Grandparents and has done lots of colouring. Next week she is hoping to go back to work ensuring we all have food on our tables – keep her in your prayers <3.
Rachel has been productive clearing out the garage and has made a family newspaper to update her Gran on what the family have been doing since she doesn’t have facebook or internet. Next week she wants to read her Julie Andrews autobiography.
Wedge has started to build his train set and is STILL watching Clone Wars (just finished season 3). Next week he wants to start a Lord of the Rings marathon.
The highlight of James’ week was fancy dress Friday PE with Joe (thebodycoach) on social media, doing a full workout dressed as superman. He had two vestry meetings over zoom on the same night. After the news that Glen 20 would be cancelled we had a short Zoom worship. I pray that you all have a good holy week.