YF check-in

Shona has been painting this week and had a good catch up call with friends from Glen where they read morning prayer together 🙂

Wedge has built a Lego police station and made tray bake yesterday for his brother’s birthday’s. He is continuing to watch every single Star Wars film and episode and is wondering if he will finish it this week? Today he is enjoying Gordon (the Glen leader)’s pub quiz!

Cabbage crocheted Colin “COVID19” Coronavirus, he also squeaks! 🙂 It helped her work out some of the frustration and anger she has within me.

Rachel has enjoyed the release of Disney+, she has had a 101 Dalmatians and Star Wars marathon and looks forward to watching the new Lady and the Tramp this week! Today she had self-care Sunday with a sauna, face mask and pamper.

Kenny and Ruth have just lit their candle in the rectory window. He sat in the church with his monastic cloak on as it is cold (Or he wants to look like Wee Frank?!). He has also learned how to use Zoom and is about to have another staff conference tomorrow using it. The big thing is I managed to livestream the service without bothering Wedge too much! They look forward to seeing you all when they can.

Christine has been busy. Bubbles and Christine found a new walking route. We delivered the service sheets to those in the congregation who aren’t online, put our rainbow and bear in the window. Spoke to lots of people on the phone. Read their Lent book and did daily prayer every day. They also clapped for the NHS and learned how to use Zoom!

James had his first WhatsApp chat and voice recording with his grandparents on Thursday, the challenge encouraging them to stick at it. He started a new role this week, working from home with Ellie as co-worker, but a rather lazy one at that. On Thursday and Friday he ran a children’s activity centre in Blairgowrie. He made time for lenten pray and reflections, and is continuing to use tech to being a new prayer community together.

Sarah has started learning Spanish and began an open university course. She has also been enjoying Joe Wicks morning workout and Disney +.