The Vestry have held a number of meetings with Bishop Ian and Very Rev’d Hunter Farqhuarson who have been guiding us through the application by Kenny for his early retirement and the process for the upcoming vacancy. The following announcement was made in church last Sunday:
“The Very Revd Kenny Rathband’s early retirement due to health means that Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s are now thinking about the future shape of ministry in the two congregations. It has been good to share the ministry of one priest in both churches, but St Margaret’s believes that now is the time for them to become an independent congregation, focusing on their ecumenical partnership with the Methodist congregation, and on witness in Rosyth; while for Holy Trinity this is an opportunity to focus on mission and ministry in Dunfermline. The Vestries have agreed to this, with the agreement of the Bishop, and Holy Trinity will be seeking a full-time Rector to succeed Kenny, while St Margaret’s will be seeking a part-time priest-in-charge.
The two congregations will continue to support each other as part of the same Diocese and Area Council. Please pray for both vestries and congregations as we seek to move forward, and for Kenny and Ruth as they plan their retirement”.
With the easing of restrictions by the Government there is now no longer a requirement for Social Distancing so we look forward welcoming back more members of our congregation. More elements of the service will be introduced over the coming weeks.
It is hoped that the hall will be ready for use by September. There has been a leak in the kitchen roof and the back door requires to be replaced before the hall can be used as well as the hall itself being tidied.
It is expected the new glass door will be installed in the front of the church later this month.
Retiring collections have resumed and Vestry is pleased to say that £190 was raised for Sea Sunday with a further £50 in cheques made out to the charity. The collections for the Samaratians raised £161 with a further £35 payable direct to the charity. Thank you for your generosity.
Upcoming collections:
- August – Albinism
- September – Foodbank
- October – Poppy Appeal
- November – Mountain Rescue
- December – Holy Trinity
Area Council Meeting will be on 1st September. Plans are being drawn up for a Gathering event on Saturday 23rd October in St Peter’s, Kirkcaldy, beginning at 10am for 10:30am start and finishing with service starting at 3pm. There will be several activities including some on Action for Climate and possibly something from the Fife Youth Cluster. Catering will be provided within Covid guidelines, but packed lunched should be taken.