It gives us enormous pleasure and a significant amount of relief, to announce that the Diocese has received applications from a number of candidates for the position of Rector at Holy Trinity Dunfermline.
At an extraordinary meeting of the Vestry last Thursday evening (7th April), it was agreed with Very Rev Graham Taylor, Dean of the Diocese, that interviews will be conducted at the end of this month. We are sure you would like to have more information, but in the interest of confidentiality for the candidates neither we nor any member of Holy Trinity Vestry is permitted to reveal any details. We will of course keep you updated on progress.
Please hold in your prayers the members of the Holy Trinity interview panel, the candidates, Bishop Ian and Revd Graham as they prepare for this very important event in the life of our church.
David, Rector’s Warden
Linda, People’s Warden
You can watch the announcement in full at the start of our service for Palm Sunday