The vestry is the group of trustees that run the church, chaired by our Rector but all votes by the elected Laity. Our vestry has been splitting our meetings into two main areas, business – the running of the church, and vision – how we can make improvements. Here are some of the key points from the latest meeting!
- The roof repairs to the vestibule have been completed, thanks to insurance and grants the work was completed quickly after the storm damage earlier in the year. It was decided to put a new roof rather than patch repair again. This will ensure a leak free roof for many years to come.
- The damage to the small windows into the hall porch has been repaired.
- The Vestry have awarded a contract to redecorate the interior of the Church and Vestibule. The latter was damaged with the multiple leaks over the past few years. The church, last decorated in the time of Rev’d David Campbell, will change slightly in colour and is hoped to be completed by the end of August.
- The church is due its Quinquennial Building inspection. Every five years, the church building must be inspected by an architect or chartered building survey. The quinquennial report provides a ‘snapshot’ of the condition of the church buildings, and is useful in determining progress being made in maintaining the property. It may highlights key issues or maintenance to be addressed now or longer term improvements to budget for over the next 5 years.
- At this point in the year, the various balances look reasonable compared with the budget figures. The Gift Aid and Open Plate figures are above what we predicted. The overall surplus for the year has been helped by the sale of some of the investments a few months back. However an increase is needed to cover the vital work to our church building including the painting and to ensure a surplus by the end of the year.
- We welcomed Rev’d Stephen Ballad from the mission to seafarers talking about the vital work the charity does across Scotland including on the Forth. The church donated £353 from the retiring collection towards their great work.
- Thanks were expressed to those that came to help with the tidying of the garden, Oliver and Ross for providing cover while the Rector was on holiday, and to YC and YF (both groups now on summer holiday – returning in August).
- As you may have seen via our Facebook page the Fife Pilgrim way is now open! We now must reflect on a church to how we can support pilgrims from our own congregation and across the world.
- The Rector has been invited to a wreath laying and service on 11th/12th August to commemorate 100th anniversary of the death of Andrew Carnegie, the Dunfermline born man who became one of the worlds greatest Philanthropists.
- Bishop Ian was due to be at HT on 25th August – this will be postponed until after the painting is complete. It was agreed to have a congregation lunch after the service, if you wish to help please get in touch with our vestry.
- There have been spam emails received using the Rector’s name. These have been reported as a fraud and information has been put on the HT website and emailed to the congregation. Everyone is advised to be careful and not click on any links, Kenny will never ask for money/vouchers directly via email.
- The area council report will be online and in the church magazine soon, more importantly Holy Trinity has been selected to host our neighbours for the Area Council service on the 15th September.
- The Youth Fellowship has had a strong end to the year; former delegate Rebecca Cromwell spoke at General Synod before she joined another former YF delegate Rebecca Fleming in Germany for a church youth conference. Youth Leader Rachel Walker has been selected to sit on the provincial Interfaith Relations Committee. The YF lead services in Kirkcaldy and Arbroath to great reception, they represented them selfs but also Holy Trinity so well, we are so proud.
- 60 delegates from across the province will attend this years Provincial Youth Camp at Glenalmond. Including 4 delegates and 3 leaders from Holy Trinity.
- The YC are looking to get new child suitable furniture for their return on August 25th.
- Permission to remove two pews (penultimate pew on either side) has been granted by the Bishop and buildings committee. This is to create two new areas in the church. The first, the southern side, is to allow technical equipment to be used more easily, to store books but also be an additional wheelchair accessible space. The Northern side will be turned into a child friendly bright play space with soft flooring and room for buggies to help our young families before the children are old enough to stay in Young Church.
- It is hoped the work to complete these two areas will be mostly complete prior to scaffolding being erected for the church painting.
- Whilst the church audio system was deemed adequate two new speakers will be added along with new radio mics to aid the audio quality of the church, it is hoped this will greatly improve the accessibility of our services.
- New church external signage has been approved by the buildings committee and Bishop, early plans have been sent to the council and designs will be going out to Tender over the next few months.
- New office equipment is being looked at for the Church Vestry including a phone line and potentially church Wi-Fi, hoping to add to the ability of those who visit our church to get online – here’s hoping they visit the website or check in on Facebook!
- A new, more welcoming, modern front door is currently being designed to add to the front of our church. Being careful of the listed status the new door is hoped to be more attractive, welcoming, provide a proper heat barrier and create additional space.
- More ambitious designs for an additional safer entrance to the Hall are in the early stages of discussion.
If you have any ideas or questions please get in touch with any of the Vestry in person, via Facebook or online.