Vestry Update

Thank you to all for your suggestions and ideas for our Vision meeting. Vestry members discussed these and split them into 2 categories.

  1. Those concerned with the building were divided into 3 – discuss
    now, hope and dream. Vestry will give regular updates on the
    progress towards meeting the points raised.
  2. Those concerned with our services and outreach. Many of these
    points are being discussed and addressed by our Growing Congregations and Communications sub-groups.

Dust woodwork above pipes/organ – this was completed during the repair of the organ. Vestry will look to ensuring it is cleaned on a regular basis.
Glass panels have been put into the double doors leading into the church. Thanks to Jack Wardell for arranging this.
The Gospel is now read facing the back of the church so the word is going out and spreading

A report is now available here. Moving forward the Vestry would like to draw on the experience and skills of volunteers to form three working groups – one to investigate costings and grants to fund projects, one to look at property maintenance and one to look at communication. If you would like to help on any of these please get in touch or speak to the Rector.

On a Business note:
 the Vestry successfully applied for a refund of council tax for the period the Rectory was empty.
 Gutters were cleared.
 A grant application was made to help cover some of the cost of the vestibule roof repair which is planned for April or May.
 It was agreed to change that Young Church would start in the hall at the beginning of the service and come up at the Peace to be present for the Liturgy of the Sacrament.
James Barcroft Vestry Secretary