After long discussions with +Kevin the Vestry interviewed for the post of Rector for Holy Trinity Dunfermline and St Margaret’s Rosyth.
The vestries interviewed and selected a new incumbent, we are pleased to tell you that The Very Rev Kenny Rathband has accepted the charge of Rector. Please Pray for Kenny and his wife Ruth as they look forward to a new chapter with us.
Many of us may know Kenny from his role as Dean in our Diocese. A working agreement between the churches will be put in place later in the year once the new incumbent is in post.
We also would like to think and pray for our brothers and sisters in the congregations of ABC Saints. This joint incumbency represents the Scottish Episcopal Churches in Alyth (St Ninian’s), Blairgowrie (St Catharine’s), Coupar Angus (St Anne’s) and Ballintuim (St Michael’s). We pray for them all as they go into vacancy themselves and we hope they look forward to a new chapter in their spiritual life.