Editor: Sent out through our weekly distribution letter, Monday 27th April 2020. If you would like to be added to the weekly email mailing list or know someone who would please let Fiona know on moc.liamgnull@th.tforcrabanoif, 01381 738024 or 07816009329.
“Dear Friends
‘Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us* so let us celebrate the feast.’
These words of the Easter Anthems form the opening sentence of Morning Prayer for this season of Easter.
If I’m honest there are times when I have found it difficult to fully celebrate the feast. The initial burst of Easter joy seems to have dissipated as each day brings news of more deaths, not just in our own lands but throughout the world, as the pandemic continues. I find myself focusing on the numbers but continually remind myself that each number is a person and that each person has a family and friends. The constant barrage of facts and opinions from all sources of the media can feel at times like a tidal wave.
Although I shouted the Easter proclamation and meant it, the joy of that feast seems to have passed and often I find myself flirting between Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
I know that I am not alone in expressing such thoughts. Several of my colleagues and others who I have spoken to, have shared the same frustration. Yet I hold onto the fact that such emotions are simply that, a frustration, and that as with all frustrations they will pass.
The words of the Easter Anthems need to be proclaimed.
There is great comfort in the rhythm of the psalms, and if you can I would encourage you to read through them. They speak to a wide range of human emotions. They challenge us, as well as offering comfort and support.
In these trying and difficult times it may be helpful to hold onto the fact that the Church has faced difficult times throughout its’ history.
Mother Julian of Norwich, offers words of wisdom that I hope you will find helpful.
‘He said not, ‘Thou shalt not be troubled, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be distressed’; but He said, ‘Thou shalt not be overcome.’
Love and prayers to you all
Editor: If anyone is struggling with the current COVID situation as outlined in this letter please get in touch through our contact us page, our Facebook, chat with friends about it or try some useful links here.