September is the month of the Referendum – and of the Ryder cup but even I don’t think that is of equal importance! Some of us will be deeply committed emotionally and/or intellectually to one side; others will be unsure. I will vote No, but my wife will vote Yes – and we are still speaking! Indeed it is that continuing to speak that I want to stress.
It will be an odd time after September 18th. Nothing much will change immediately whatever the decision but there will be disappointment and excitement or even despair and triumph. Religious bodies know possibly better than others how strong feelings can lead to evil actions. It’s important to remember our faith can, and should, lead to great generosity, sacrifice and peace-making.
I leave you with a prayer from the Action of Churches together in Scotland. It is based on the four words engraved on the mace in the foyer of the Scottish Parliament: Wisdom; Integrity; Justice; Compassion.
The Prayer of the Mace
Almighty God, Creator and Father, we come to you in trust and hope, grateful for your many gifts to us, your countless blessings. Thank you for this our country and all its people; thank you for the history which has made us who we are. At this special time, instil in us your Spirit of wisdom and integrity, of true justice and compassion. Help us to move forward in that Spirit as brothers and sisters of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Forgive the conflicts and the evils that have influenced us. Gently heal the scars of pain and resentment that can remain in and among us all. Strengthen and increase among us the love and harmony of purpose that belong to your reign. Make of us apostles of truth and peace as we move among our fellow citizens at this time.
As we come to you today, remind us of your call to be disciples of your Son. May we turn to him for light and ask through and with him for your grace.
Jim Mein