Pisky Pilgrimage Update

Fife Pilgrims Way

The Fife Pilgrims way follows one of the ancient routes from Culross where the Abbey was founded, via Dunfermline Abbey and onwards through Fife to St Andrews. You can find out about the whole route and its importance in our Pilgrims section.

As a church on the route we are aiming to complete the first of the seven parts on the 26th June. The first part links Culross to Dunfermline and is split down into 3 sections. Whilst some will walk the whole route others will meet us along the way. We will have meeting points at Torryburn, Cairneyhill and as we arrive into Dunfermline, further information below. Sign up now to take on part or all of this challenge. 

Many of us who are doing the whole route (all 3 sections) are going to jump on the bus from Dunfermline Bus station, the 8B leaves at 1235 or 1335 and runs direct to Culross.

We ask all those who are starting section 1 to be there by 2pm. We will meet on the large grass area beside the bus stop, there is a car park just the other side of the playpark for those driving. You will be issued with a prayer card, emergency contact details and a shell to carry on your journey. There will be a car providing support for the whole route with refreshments Onboard but can also pick up anyone who is injured or finds it too much at any point. All three leaders will have a first aid kit too.

The second meeting point will be at Torryburn at the wee carpark overlooking the Forth beside the Playground The Ness, here we will meet those doing sections 2 & 3 and say goodbye to those only walking section 1.

From there the support vehicle will carry on ahead of us to Cairneyhill Parish Church. We would like to thank our brothers and sisters who have offered to open up the church for use if the facilities and a cuppa, it is a sight worth seeing in itself. We know many of those who have signed up may wish to walk the final section only and can either drive or take one of the many express buses from Dunfermline to the church. It is hoped we will make it to Cairneyhill for around 5pm to meet with others and head on our way together.

The final section will take us onto the City of Dunfermline, past the 950 year old Abbey and to the church, Holy Trinity Dunfermline. Once you arrive there will be some sandwiches and refreshments. Once we have all gathered we will hold a short service (Service sheet below) before heading home for a well deserved rest.

If you just want to join us for the service please do so, it is hoped it will start between half 7 and 8pm depending on the speed of the pilgirms. You can also join the service live online or watch back at a time to suit you.

Get in touch via the website or email: ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@htuoy

Pilgrims Service

Welcome and Introduction

Leader:​​We come from scattered lives to meet with God.

All:  ​​Let us recognize his presence with us.

Silence is kept.

Leader:​​As God’s people we have gathered:

All:​​let us worship him together.


1.​Jesus calls us here to meet him

as, through word and song and prayer

we affirm God’s promised presence

where his people live and care.

Praise the God who keeps his promise;

praise the Son who calls us friends;

praise the Spirit who, among us,

to our hopes and fears attends.

2.​Jesus calls us to confess him

Word of Life and Lord of all,

sharer of our flesh and frailness

saving all who fail or fall.

Tell his holy human story;

tell his tales that all may hear;

tell the world that Christ in glory

came to earth to meet us here.

3.​Jesus calls us to each other;

vastly different though we are;

race and colour, class and gender

neither limit nor debar. 

Join the hand of friend and stranger;

join the hands of age and youth;

join the faithful and the doubter

In their common search for truth.

Words: John L Bell and Graham Maule

Music: Lewis folk melody arr. John L Bell 

Scripture:​Luke 24. 13-35. The Road to Emmaus

Reflection:​Bishop Ian

Creed:Mauri Inclusive Creed

We believe in God

Source of all life

Source of all love

Creation within our past and our future

Mother and Father of all that’s to be.

We believe in God

Christ of our history

Link with eternity

One with our humanness

Revealing our hopefulness

Traveler before us, the sign of the way.

We believe in God,

Spirit of newness,

Spirit of power

Wisdom and wonder

Mystery and miracle

God moves in freedom,

Transforming the earth.

We believe in the Church

Born of our struggles

Open to changes

Centered in loving

And moving and growing

Heart of the community turned to the world.AMEN


We SEE God…

The greenness, the newness of life…

The tapestry of the landscape…

The diversity of sights, colour, shapes…

The witnessing of cycles of new life.

      May this be our experience…

We HEAR God…

The wind, the water…

We hear God’s music…

We hear God through each other…

      May this be our experience…


We smell God on the breath of the wind…

We smell God in the places & their ancestry

      May this be our experience…


We taste the abundance, manna from the earth…

We taste God through community, through each other and through Eucharist, as we are nourished…

      May this be our experience…

We link to the MYSTERY…

Through our senses, a pathway into mystery…

Through Being open to receive…

Through our senses we open to grace…


      May this be OUR experience Amen.


1. Brother, sister let me serve you. 

Let me be as Christ to you; 

pray that I may have the grace to 

let you be my servant too. 

2. We are pilgrims on a journey, 

and companions on the road; 

we are here to help each other 

walk the mile and bear the load. 

3. I will hold the Christ-light for you 

in the night-time of your fear; 

I will hold my hand out to you, 

speak the peace you long to hear. 

4. I will weep when you are weeping; 

when you laugh, I’ll laugh with you; 

I will share your joy and sorrow 

till we’ve seen this journey through. 

5. When we sing to God in heaven 

we shall find such harmony, 

born of all we’ve known together 

of Christ’s love and agony. 

6. Brother, sister let me serve you. 

Let me be as Christ to you; 

pray that I may have the grace to 

let you be my servant too.

Words: Richard A M Gillard

Tune: Servant Song

Conclusion and Blessing:

Lord God, we thank you

for calling us into the company

of those who trust in Christ

and seek to obey his will.

May your Spirit guide and strengthen us

in mission and service to your world;

for we are strangers no longer

but pilgrims together on the way to your Kingdom. Amen

Deep peace of the running wave to you

Deep peace of the flowing air to you

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you

Deep peace of the shining stars to you

Deep peace of the gentle night to you

Moon and stars pour their healing light on you

Deep peace of Christ the light of the world to you

And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you now and always. Amen.

Closing Hymn: 

1. You Shall Go Out With Joy

And Be Led Forth With Peace

The Mountains And The Hills

Will Break Forth Before You

There’ll Be Shouts Of Joy,

And All The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap, Will Clap Their Hands

2. And All The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

While You Go Out With Joy

3. You Shall Go Out With Joy

And Be Led Forth With Peace

The Mountains And The Hills

Will Break Forth Before You

There’ll Be Shouts Of Joy,

And All The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap, Will Clap Their Hands

4. And All The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

The Trees Of The Field

Will Clap Their Hands

While You Go Out With Joy

Author: N T Wright

Tune: Darwin Close

Our final stop