Dear Friends
I hope that you are all well and making the most of our typical Scottish summer weather!
I know that some of you have been asking when can we get back into church?
As you will be aware the Scottish Government recently eased some of the restrictions placed on churches and places of worship. The vestry of Holy Trinity are in the process of applying to the diocese for permission to re-open on a limited basis. It is hoped that the church will be able to be open for private and personal prayer at set times during the week. Similarly, St Margaret’s vestry will soon look at the possibility of re-opening the church, though this will be done in conjunction with our partners in the Methodist Church.
The fact that churches and places of worship can now open is good news in that it will allow us to meet in worship and prayer, something that many of us have greatly missed during the past few months. To maintain the safety of all who use our church buildings various requirements will need to be met. When such requirements have been achieved, and permission granted, notification of re-opening will be given as soon as is possible.
As with other aspects of our daily life, the ‘normal’ experience of being church has changed. The ‘new’ experience may be similar in many ways, but it will also be different. In all of this we need to offer one another support and encouragement.
The live streaming of our services continues and I am very grateful to Richard Peat and Andrew Wedge for their technical guidance and assistance. If you are unable to share in the services ‘on-line’, DVD’s are available. Please contact Fiona Barcroft if you would like to make use of this facility.
Many years ago, Minnie Louise Haskins wrote some wonderful and comforting words that were later used by George VI as part of his Christmas broadcast in 1939. Her wise words offer hopeful encouragement for today just as they did then.
‘I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth and finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night and he led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.’
I very much look forward to sharing in worship and prayer with you whenever we can.
Prayers and best wishes to you all.