Pastoral Letter 21.8.2020

Dear Friends

It was with great sadness that I shared the news that the church building had to shut due to the restrictions regarding Lockdown. Now as certain restrictions are eased, I am happy to say that the church will be open for designated periods of time for individual prayer. No formal services will take place during this time but the church will be open for people to come and pray.

Mondays                   4pm – 6pm.
Thursdays       11:30am – 1pm.

The first date for opening will be Monday 31st August.

The experience of coming back to church will be quite different to what we were all used to prior to Lockdown.

To ensure as safe an environment as we can, we must comply with guidelines issued by the Scottish Government and our General Synod office.

To comply with the need for physical distancing some of our seating has been cordoned off. As such our seating capacity has been greatly reduced. We estimate that we can safely accommodate 36 people in church at any one time.

For the safety of all we would ask that if you intend to come to church please let us know. Offering notification that you wish to come to church can be done via online or by phone the details of which will be sent out when available. There will also be some seating reserved for people who have not been able to access the online system. However, in these exceptional times it would be helpful to know how many people to expect in order that we can ensure the safety of everyone.

At all times of opening, stewards will be on hand to assist with any questions and to help make our time together a prayerful and supportive experience.

In accordance with the government guidelines, use of transport is limited to ‘family bubbles’. Please refrain from offering someone else a lift either to or from church.

Having gained experience from opening the church for individual prayer it is hoped that we may soon move to seek permission to open for more regular worship.

With my prayers and best wishes to you all
