Message from Bishop Ian

Dear members of Holy Trinity and of St Margaret’s,

Thank you for all the patient understanding and care you have given to Kenny and Ruth in the months since Kenny had to step back from active ministry because of a serious health issue. They, and all of us, have had to come to terms with his early retirement from full-time ministry which Kenny’s doctors advised. As Kenny wrote to the congregations about making this difficult decision: “This has not been an easy decision to make and follows on from my recent heart attack. I have greatly enjoyed working with both congregations, and the privilege of being Dean for a number of years. I continue to hold everyone in my prayers.”

Kenny and Ruth have had to wait until now to set the date of Kenny’s retirement, and this decision has now been taken, with my agreement. Kenny’s last day as your Rector and Priest will be 31st August, and he will retire from 1st September. 

It is very good indeed that Kenny and Ruth will be with both congregations on Sunday 12th September, so that farewells and thanks can be expressed, and prayers for the future can be offered.

Please continue to hold Kenny and Ruth in your prayers as they prepare to move away from Dunfermline and into a new chapter of life for them. Please also continue to pray for your Vestry members as they work on the Profile for each Church, and as Holy Trinity begins to seek a new Rector and St Margaret’s begins to seek its own new Priest-in- Charge. Pray too for Hunter Farquaharson as he serves you as Interim Pastor, and for me as I work to support you and your Vestries over the coming months.

Thank you, everyone at Holy Trinity and at St Margaret’s, for all your fathfulness and hope for the future, as well as all your compassion and care in the present.

With warmest good wishes,

Bishop Ian


The Right Revd Ian Paton
Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane

Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane  
(Registered Scottish Charity SC017654)