Act Now for Climate Justice.
The Lent Study Group will meet, as last year, at 1pm following the service. The first group meets on Sunday 18th February.
The focus this year will be the SEC commitment to Net Zero 2030. We will be using the eBook ‘Two Champions of the Environment’. PDF files are available for those unable to access the thirty lessons online. There will not be a study meet on Mothering Sunday. The three study groups will therefore be ‘focus groups’ to review and discuss ten chapters each: what we learned; and what actions we are striving to take. Please note that the ‘chapters’ are only a few pages long.
Just before covid struck our members, some representing Action of Churches Together, marched in Edinburgh to highlight the importance of making changes to reverse climate change. With the sad news this week confirming the world has exceeded 1.5 degrees rise with the last 9 months being higher than any on record we all need to do more.
“Eight hundred years ago and way ahead of his time, St Francis of Assisi spoke and wrote about the loveliness of the Creation into which we are inserted. Before anybody else campaigned against climate change, environmental and biodiversity protection, he wrote his Canticle of the Creatures, describing the sun, moon, stars, water, fire and the entire living world as our brothers and sisters.
“Pope Francis uses today’s language to challenge us to wake up to the fragile beauty of our planet. Sometimes his voice falls on deaf ears. Sometimes, as with his Encyclical, Laudato si’, his words touch minds and hearts hungry for leadership in the “care of our common home”.
“This book offers 30 reflective days based on the insights of two environmental champions, separated only by time.”
To have the eBook sent to you, or to request another format, please speak with Fiona Barcroft or message us directly.
To sign up either use the sheet at the back of the church or email: ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@ofni
Lunch each week this year will be a ‘Teddy Bear’ picnic. Please bring your own picnic lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided.