Christ’s redeeming death on the Cross took place at a particular place and at a specific time in history, but it is an event with roots in humankind’s beginnings, and with continuing consequences. A crude and brutal Roman cross of wood, yet one that has been described as “casting a shadow that reaches as far forward as eternity, and as far back as the Garden of Eden”.
In our picture, the wall is mostly in sunlight, and the Cross is not directly visible, but we know it is there; we can’t ignore it; it won’t go away. This season of Lent is a time to think about its impact on our own lives. One encouragement for regular Bible-reading, provoking some challenging thoughts, is the series of Lent Reflections from Andrew Herbert of Kinghorn Parish Church, made available through the Scottish Bible Society. And in Rosyth there is an ecumenical Study Group: details are on p25 of the current Contact newsletter, which also contains (on p16) thoughts on the origins of some of our practices during Lent.
It’s not surprising that the image of the shadow of the cross recurs in much Christian art, and you may have heard Paul Oakley’s song:
In the shadow of the cross
Let everything fall into place again.
May that song be our prayer as we move toward Easter. Do join us throughout our preparation.