How can you help MyChurch?

Did you see the launch of our stewardship campaign?

If we continue spending at the same rate without increasing our income we will run out of money in five years. Watch Rev’d Lara talk about our situation here:

We have a huge positive potential as a community in person and online. As Rev’d Lara has said, we know times are hard, but can you help us in other ways? We have a leaflet available in church and to download from here, that talks about all the ways your time and talents can be used to help Holy Trinity Dunfermline continue for years to come.

What is MyChurch?

It is a collection of practical ways to get involved with church and helping our Christian fellowship and strengthening your faith.

What is the idea?

There are a number of different ways to connect with church life listed in the booklet. You can choose as many or as few to try – some suggestions are listed below. The most important thing is that YOU decide and YOU choose.

What is needed?

Help is always needed to keep any community going and most people are more than willing to help. However, sometimes the same people volunteer their time over a long span of time and others find it difficult or don’t know
how to get involved. So MyChurch helps you to try different jobs and see if you enjoy these and to renew your commitment to your church.

How does it work?

Decide which activities interest you then please fill in the form and return it to the church or get in touch with us, you can do this through the contacts us page, Messenger or if you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us! Someone will get in touch to discuss your choices and how to get involved.

Or why not come along to our ‘MyChurch’ Fayre on Sunday June 9th after the service,

How does this help?

Our first purpose in our Christian faith is to worship God and the parish church and its congregation are a good place to start in strengthening and nurturing our faith.
Helping in church will help us grow as a community and as individuals. A task ‘taken on’ in church will connect us with each other and form us more strongly into the body of Christ.

What else can I do?

The services, activities and jobs listed are only some of the things you can do. If you are unable to pledge to take part in any of these activities please pray for those who do. There is a suggested prayer and passage of scripture for each theme. You might like to give a donation for each of the activities you take part in or pray for.

Thank you for your time and energy! An
appropriate person will contact you to discuss becoming more involved. Your contact details will not be shared otherwise.

Type of roles

Below are a range of roles that you might like to try, commit to in full or in part. Head to our groups page for links and further description to the range of ways you can help. Get in touch to find out more:

 Refreshments – Helping after our services make, serve and clean up refreshments.
 Welcome Team -welcome the congregation and visitors to our church.
 Flowers – learn how to and help arrange some of our wonderful displays.
 Study Group – come along or help lead one of our faith based study groups.
 Contact Group – help check in with our community and provide a listening ear.
 Vestry, Wardens and other offices – the formal way we run and organise our church.
 Mother’s Union – join us in our journey and be a part of something life-changing.
 Young Church – help plan and run our activities for children in our community.
 Youth Fellowship – help lead our young adults in fun, fellowship and faith.
 Prayer Group – a faithful group take time to pray for our community.
 Meditation Group – take time for you alongside others.
 HT Friendship Group – take part or help plan one of our amazing range of events.
 50 50 Club – help or take part in our draws to win prizes or money for the church.
 Choir – join and shape our choir, sing during our services and plan special music events.
 Altar Servers – help run our services, enable the priest to worship with communion.
 Readers – join our rota to read from the bible during our services.
 Intercessors – join our rota to write and read prayers on behalf of the church.
 Altar linen – help us keep on top of our cleaning and care of our linen.
 Brasses – join our rota to take care of the metals in the church.
 Cleaning – help us clean and sanitise the church and hall, keeping us looking our best.
 Gardening – help maintain our wonderful church garden and the church grounds.
 Live Broadcasting – join our tech team who live stream services, weddings and funerals.
 Website – provide time or copy to keep our website fresh and up to date.
 Social Media – monitor our socials and help provide content to show our great community.
 Pew Sheet – help compile our weekly sheet to guide us through services and share news.
 Magazine – write articles and help manage our church magazine.

What if I can’t give my time?

There are so many other ways to help the life of our church, join us in person or online at our services or events. Like, follow and share our social media posts. Or why not look at one of the easy ways you can help raise funds or donate?