Good Friday 2021
The Good Friday Happening is an event where young people enjoy a range of activities all connected to the Easter story. From 10am until 4pm each hour on the hour we will share a range of activities with some thoughts and prayers to celebrate the story of Easter. We hope you will join in when you can and we would love to see your photos or comments, send them to ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@htuoy or message us on Facebook or YC WhatsApp.
The Empty Tomb
We are following the Holy Week story, you can find the first 5 sessions under the news section. There are some prayers, stories and activities for you to share in the Easter message with other families in our community.
Point to Ponder
Do you like mystery stories?
Today we are going to hear the most exciting mystery story ever told. I call it “The Case of the Empty Tomb.”
Jesus had just been crucified and buried. Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ followers, went to the tomb where Jesus was buried. When she got there, she saw that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Peter and John and said to them, “They have taken the Lord’s body from the tomb and I don’t know where they have put him.”
We hope you will join in when you can and we would love to see your photos or comments , send them to ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@htuoy or message us on Facebook or YC WhatsApp.
Activity 1 – Empty Tomb Maze click here to print
Activity 2 – Chocolate Empty Tomb
50g butter, 125g rice crispies, 1 packet marshmallows, 225g mini chocolate eggs
Melt the butter and marshmallows slowly in a large pan, mixing well. When melted, stir in the rice crispies and coat completely in the mixture. Divide mixture equally between 18 paper cake cases, pressing together slightly. Make a hollow in each centre with the back of a spoon. Leave to cool and sit a mini egg next to the hole or hollow to represent the stone rolled away.
Activity 3 – Boil an egg for around 10 minutes. Leave it to cool and then decorate it, like the eggs in our video. On Easter (Sunday) morning you can roll them down a hill.
Activity 4 – Create your own mystery and design a scavenger or Easter egg hunt for your family to follow your clues.
God made you and God made me,
He made the world for us to see.
God loves you and long ago,
He sent his Son to tell us so.
Jesus showed us many things,
To love and share and dance and sing.
To learn and pray, to help and care,
He promised he’d always be there.
He died but then came back to life,
Let’s celebrate for he’s alive!