General Syond runs from the 7th – 9th June and will discuss and debate the direction of the whole Scottish Epsicopal Church.
We pray for all those involved that they consider Gods will in all their decisions and ensure they make the best moves forward to help everyone in the way Jesus taught us.
If you are there as a rep, visitor or watching at home we pray that you may be inspired in the possibilities of the Scottish Episcopal church and the Love of God we can show by our actions.
We pray especially for our representatives including members of our Youth Fellowship who speak this Saturday to represent the whole of the youth in our province.
You can follow Synod 2018 at home online via the SEC website, Facebook or YouTube and get involved with the debate on twitter using the hashtag #pisky
Below a photo taken as the General Synod started on Thursday Edinburgh, members of the Scottish Episcopal Church wore black as part of #Thursdaysinblack, as we work and pray for a world free from rape and violence.