Church reopening

The Rector and Vestry are pleased to announce that following the First Minister’s announcement today by the Scottish Government services can resume in church. Places are limited and must be booked, masks are to be worn and there will be hand sanitising stations. You can find out more about the restrictions, what to expect and how to book on our booking page.

Thursdays midweek service (25th March) will be the last service before restrictions are part lifted. It will also be the last midweek live streamed service until our permanent set up is installed later this year. We are pleased to announce vestry has now selected a preferred supplier who will arrange the installation of new cameras and broadcast equipment.

We Welcome you back!

Having you back in church is our priority and you can now do that twice a week. We will also have a range of special services in person and online only to celebrate Holy Week and other key festivals throughout the year.

Please join us for our services on:

Sunday 28th March                11am          Palm Sunday (in church and online)

Wednesday 31st March         7pm            Stations of the Cross (online)

Thursday 1st April                   7pm            Maundy Thursday (in church and online)

Friday 2nd April                        7pm            Good Friday Service of Devotion (online)

Sunday 4th April                      11am          Easter Sunday (in church and online)

To book a place in church please click on the service name above.

Alternatively email moc.liamgnull@th.tforcrabanoif or phone 07816009329.

All our services will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel.

(search for Holy Trinity Dunfermline).

For more information visit our website