All are welcome to join us in church for our services.
If you are unable to come in person, some of services are live on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page, and will remain available on both to watch back at a time to suit you.
Gathering Prayer
Our world is no longer trapped in darkness
Jesus has come. The light has won.
We are no longer trapped in darkness
Jesus has come. We have received his light.
Those in need are no longer trapped in darkness
Jesus has come. We will live out his light.
Song – Christ be our Light
Father God, we are sorry for when we make the Christmas season more about us than about you. And for the times when we think, act or speak as if the story of Jesus’ birth, and his love for us, is more about making ourselves feel good, than following you in loving others. Father forgive us, and remind us through the Christingle symbol, of your greatest gift to us in Jesus, and the example he is to us.
May God, who is light, shine into our hearts and change them until they reflect his more clearly. May God, who is love, lead us through Jesus’ example to love him, and all his children, more dearly. Amen
Thanksgiving Prayer
Thank you, Jesus, for leaving heaven’s beauty and splendour to come to find us.
We praise you, Lord Jesus! You came to find us.
Thank you, Jesus, for coming alongside us and drawing us back into the fullness of God’s love.
We thank you, Lord Jesus! You come alongside us.
Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how to seek out and help all who are on the edge.
We trust you, Lord Jesus! Yours is the perfect way to follow.
Reading Isaiah 9.2-4,6-7
Christingle Song
Reading John 2:1-14
Short Talk
In faith we pray:
We pray to you, our God.
For all people in their daily life and work:
We pray to you, our God.
For our families, friends and neighbours, and for all those who are alone:
We pray to you, our God.
For the fair and responsible use of your creation:
We pray to you, our God.
For the victims of hunger, fear and injustice:
We pray to you, our God.
For those in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble:
We pray to you, our God.
For those who look after the sick, the lonely, and the needy:
We pray to you, our God.
For the peace and unity of the Church of God:
We pray to you, our God.
For our own needs and for the needs of others:
We pray to you, our God.
God our Saviour,
you know us and love us and hear our prayer:
keep us in the eternal light and fellowship
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Song: Silent Night
Blessing of the Christingles
Prayer said together:
Lord Jesus, I stretch out my hands and receive this gift, and I hold it tight because it is mine. My Christingle. Light, fruit, sweets, colour, but so much more precious than this. I hold in my hands a picture of your love. Lord Jesus, help me to remember those who have not known your love, and do not have anyone to turn to. Today, as I hold my Christingle and remember you, I pray that you would make me someone, like you, who will reach out my opened hands to give and love like you do. Amen.
May the light of the world shine on you and all you meet. May the love of God circle round you and all you help. May the goodness of God lead you to follow Jesus’ generous example everywhere you go from this place. And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen
Song – Away in the Manger