Christian Calendar

The Christian calendar was naturally developed for the northern hemisphere. The birth of Christ, the light of the world, being celebrated at the darkest time; Lent during the ‘hungry months’ when last years crops were all eaten; Easter as new life comes to birth in the natural world. Humanity has always believed that the eternal … [Read more…]

The love that bears all things

Palm trees are a sign of life – life in the most inhospitable places.  They reach down to the hidden water.  I’ve always thought Palm crosses symbolise so well the pain and joy, the fear and hope, the death and life that we are called to face through Holy Week. It is so easy to … [Read more…]

A time to reflect …

“At the onset of Jesus’ ministry, John announced his coming in fulfilment of Isaiah 40, as our caption puts it. This is the cry of Lent: Prepare the way of the Lord! Make room for him in your thoughts and activities and affections. “An appropriate response to this announcement is to take stock of our lives, … [Read more…]

A light to lighten the Gentiles

Throughout this month we remain in the season of Epiphany, still with the theme of the light of Christ coming to the whole world. Last month, we saw Jesus shown to non-Jews (the ‘gentiles’) at the visit of the magi, then revealed to the whole world as the Son of God at his baptism in … [Read more…]