Bring it on

With the month-end happening during Holy Week, we thought that this season deserved to have two thoughts. This first one has been borrowed from Pam’s Perambulation, which we find a frequent source of challenge and inspiration. Pam Webster’s reflection is on John 12:12-16.


Here he comes,
the one who will change everything.

Here he comes,
riding to bring freedom,
triumphing over fear.

I cheered
and shouted,
waved whatever I could find
in anticipation
and excitement.

He’s coming,
how different everything will be now.

But it never occurred to me
that he might change me.

I thought it was ‘them’
that needed changing.
The powers,
the rulers,
those who held our lives
so tightly.

But it was me
who would be challenged:
my ways questioned,
my commitment.
what I really was shouting for.

shouting ‘bring it on’,
wanting this to happen.

If I’d realised,
would I have been so keen?
Thrown in my all?
Shouted for more?

More than excitement,
today is about challenge.

Where do I stand?
Who do I support?
Am I with Jesus –
all the way to suffering?