The words, in Portuguese, are from Matthew’s account of a revelation on Mount Tabor that helped three of the disciples realise more of the divine nature of their Lord. Not only did they see Jesus talking with Moses (the law-giver) and Elijah (the archetypal prophet), but they heard a voice from the cloud saying: “Este e o meu Filho, o Escolhido. Escutem o que ele diz!”
Most will recognise this more easily in English as: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5) But, whatever the language, their eventual realisation of Jesus as the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets and the culmination of God’s redeeming purpose for his people, is still relevant to us today. Which is why we still set aside a day each year to focus on this holy mystery.
We welcome you to join us as we listen to what our Lord has to say to us through ministry and sacrament as we worship together.