The letter that our Interim Rector wrote in the December/January issue of Contact is too good not to share on this page. It concludes:
The Divine and human nature of Jesus in Christian faith is not a problem to be solved, or a choice to be made, but a polarity to be lived. It is the holding of two things in tension, not finding a mid-point, but celebrating both ends. It is seeing God as being both utterly other and totally at one with us – amazing.
At Christmas many of you will celebrate with family and friends at parties, with presents, food and drink. It is the birthday party we all share and it is right and good to celebrate it. But it is for ALL – and so I hope we can also remember the many who will be lonely, homeless, sick and so on.
The image of God sharing our world can inspire each of us to share in the worlds of those who don’t have all that we have. As Jesus symbolises the breaking down of the greatest divide of all (Creator and creation) can we be inspired to pray for and work for the breaking down of all that divides us in this world? God’s Spirit within us does make us brothers and sisters of Jesus, sons and daughters of God. Can it make us wise enough, courageous enough, to seek justice, exercise mercy, and live humbly with God?
May God be with, and in, each one of us, so bringing
Peace on earth and goodwill to all people.
Jim Mein