Prayer groups play an active part in many churches around the country and prayer is central to or faith. In this difficult time many people have turned back to prayer and added it into their daily routine. Whether it be prayer apps, the Scottish Green Book, in private or as a community sharing with God is increasing.
Holy Trinity used to have a prayer group and we have received several requests for prayer during this difficult time. We have therefore decided to gather notes of interest for a prayer group to meet your needs.
If you have joined with Christians all over the UK in prayer on Sunday evenings at 7pm and would like to be involved in a local prayer chain please get in touch (email ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@reyarp).
Different prayer groups operate with different structures but the important thing is we are all there to support each other. Some meet each week, some meet online, some not at all. The form of a prayer group can take place over a meal, service, daily prayer, bible study, over coffee or purely over email.
What unites most prayer groups is that requests for prayer are gathered and then prayed for by numerous individuals for a period of time; uniting in faith, support and love for the community. Requests can be anonymous, for people in the church community or friends and family we do not know just anyone that needs held dear for whatever reason.
Is this is something you would be interested in please send your name, preferred way to be contacted (phone, email, facebook etc) and the format you think would most meet your needs to ku.gro.hcruhcytinirtylohnull@reyarp or message us on Facebook Messenger.
Worldwide Christian organisation Thy Kingdom Come says “During these difficult and trying times, we believe that now more than ever, presents an incredible opportunity for the Church worldwide, to unite in prayer so that our family, friends and neighbours will come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ for themselves.”
“Who should be in a prayer group?
Prayer groups are not cliques. They are simply a gathering of Christians whose shared purpose is to praise God, plead with him, and expect him to work. These are times of sacred communion, not ego stroking or gossip sharing.