Diocesan Synod

This year our Diocesan Synod was held on Saturday 9th March in St Ninian’s Cathedral and the proceedings started with the usual Eucharist however this year it was a bit more special. Firstly because Bishop Ian was presiding for the first time and also Revd Graham Taylor and Revd Christine Fraser were installed as Canons. … [Read more…]

Easter Prayer

Brenda Cameron wrote this wonderful prayer after one of our Lent Study sessions. We host a range of study sessions throughout the year, please message us for more information about becoming involved. YOU were with me In the beginning it was YOU. All was done and complete. At some stage of all of this I … [Read more…]

Mothering Sunday Intercessions

Our intercessions for Mothering Sunday were written by Rachel Walker. Our bidding responses for today is when I Say God of Love you respond with Hear our Prayer Let us pray, On this Mothering Sunday thank you for all those who care for us. We thank you for giving them compassion, grace and love displayed in your … [Read more…]

Window into the Past

Fay Cuthbertson wrote an article about the St Michael window (North West wall) which was originally published in the HT magazine of July 2011. It is still available on our church website archives section. The photograph above shows the “Jenkins” window alongside the “North” or “St Christopher” window. Both windows commemorate the loss of a … [Read more…]

Could you Serve the church?

Sanctuary Roles: Administrator of the Chalice and Server Over the last year or so, there has been a reduction in people available for both the above duties resulting in a four weekly call for duty, more for the folk on both lists, but with time away and other reasons, frequency has increased even more. We … [Read more…]