Glen 2016

Join us for the 20th SEC Youth week at Glenalmond College this Summer. Get in touch with Andrew Wedge for forms and more info via our How to Contact us page.

The annual Youth Week at Glenalmond offers teenagers from all over the Scottish Episcopal Church a unique opportunity to get together for full-on fun and fellowship. Together they share Bible study, worship and a wealth of different activities, including sports, swimming, crafts, a murder mystery and the ever-popular ceilidh. The theme for 2016 will be ‘Out of this world – living the Christian life’ and in housegroups, delegates will have the opportunity to explore and deepen their faith. They will also be taking turns to devise and lead worship for the whole camp. Whether you have one teenager in your church or whole youth teams, they all need to know about the Provincial Youth Week.


Words can’t do this justice so please get in touch and we can give you more information.

Booking is now open for the Provincial Youth Week via the form below:

Youth Week